Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Social network, Facebook and Google+

Two of the most popular social networks Facebook and Google+ lets you create pages, so it is easy to follow the information that you are interested in.

This blog also has a page on Facebook and a page on Google+. The page on Google+ has two communities connected too it, where it is possible for you to discuss your Canon or Nikon gear. If you have written a nice blog post about you Canon or Nikon gear I hope that you will share it in the community. (spam will be deleted and other things that aren't relevant will be delete).

See you there soon (I hope).

Random posts:
Help me, help you. You know how ;-) (click, click, click...) Or buy anything at Amazon. You get the same price, and I get a little bit of money. Follow the Photospots site on Facebook and on Google+

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