Friday 19 October 2012

Nothing like a misty autumn morning with your Nikon D800 and a couple of lenses

The other morning after dropping my oldest son of in Kindergarden I saw that it was a sunny day but with a lot of mist around and as I didn't have a meeting in the morning at work where I had to be there at a specific time I thought it would be a good idea to take my new Nikon D800 along with a couple of lenses.

What you might not know is that autumn here in Denmark is a lot like the famous autumn that you see in New England and there are a lot of old houses and farm land that you can use to capture great pictures, but a little warning is that it can rain a lot at this time of year in Denmark.

Well on my way to work there are several backroads where there are plenty of photo opportunities to take great pictures. See this map:

This picture where taken up to a big mansion where I just stood at the junction to the road:

[1/125s, f/4.5, ISO 100]
But this picture has to be my favorite from the day and where you really can see how the sun and the mist is working great together to create a beautiful picture:
[1/400s, f/11, ISO 100]

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are also the best times to take with you a pair of binoculars to best enjoy these scenic locations. You definitely captured the vibe of this place.