Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Yonder, where the road bends - H.C.Andersen (Hist, hvor vejen slĂĄr en bugt)

A couple of weekends ago my family visit my farther in law in Svendborg and as always we took a drive through the very wonderful landscape of south Fyn. As many knows H.C. Andersen is born and lived most of his life on Fyn (Odense).

He wrote many things in his life and is know around the world for his great fairy tales. What I didn't know was that my wife grew up just very short from the place that inspired H.C. Andersen to write the text to the song "Yonder, where the road bends" or in Danish:  "Hist, hvor vejen slĂĄr en bugt".

Here is a picture of the place and if you think a bit about it your might be able to see what H.C. Andersen saw about 175 years ago:

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug
[1/160s, f/4.5, ISO 100]

If you want to find this place:

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Monday, 29 October 2012

Frosty leaves with Nikon D800 and Nikon 70-200 VR

There is just something about frosty leaves that makes them very attractive for me as a photographer to just keep shooting. And it helps that my oldest son (3½) wants to go out in the garden to play and "let" father do some shooting with the camera from time to time.

Often you have to get out early in the morning before the sun melds away the ice on  the leaves and the leaves have to stay on the trees as it gives the most lives to the pictures. So actually I only have a rather small window of opportunity as most of the leaves fall of the trees here in Denmark and most of the time before there even is frosty weather.

[1/400s, f/2.8, ISO 500]

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Saturday, 27 October 2012

DX standard zooms added to the lens database

Well another section is done. It is the section about the DX standard zooms, Where there are a lot of options both for the more serious shooter and for the casual shooter. So here are the complete list:

Enjoy ;-)
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Winter October morning with Nikon D800 and Nikon 105 VR

Last night with got a little bit of snow and some frosty weather, so me and my son Julius spend a little time this morning out in the garden. My son just wanted to play, but I wanted to capture a couple of pictures with my macro as many of the leafs still was on the trees and the leafs were frosty and with a couple of snow drops on them.

This picture was from a blueberry busk that has a very nice autumn color for its leafs:
[1/160s, f/5, ISO 100]

And this was from a blackcurrant busk that we also have:
[1/160s, f/3.2, ISO 280]

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Friday, 26 October 2012

A windy autumn afternoon with Nikon D800 and Nikon 14-24

Yesterday me and my familie went on a little afternoon getaway and we thought that we would check out a local ruin. The weather was windy and so the clouds changed a lot during the short time we were there. That made gave me the opportunity to take a nice picture with my great Nikon D800 and my great lens the Nikon 14-24:

[1/160s, f/8, ISO 100]

If you want to check out the place yourself you can find it here (there is a small parking spot marked): 

Another time I think that we will take a longer time along the path at the lake, but it was just to cold and windy yesterday...

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Thursday, 25 October 2012

Yet another part to my lens database is done

Well another section is done. It is the section about the macro, PC and DC lenses, which are special purpose lenses, but to some degree can be used to other things. All lenses are high quality and should give you great pictures. So here are the complete list:

Enjoy ;-)

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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

A new section to the lens database

I have created a new section for the lens database, so that the following now is available:

And more is still to come in the coming weeks ;-)

The Tele zoom lens database even contains the brand new 70-200mm f/4 VR, but there is off cause no reviews of this yet, but I am sure that once you can buy it there will reviews of it too.

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Monday, 22 October 2012

A short stop from Storebælt with Nikon D800 and the Nikon 14-24 lens

Storebælt is the bridge that connects the eastern and western part of Denmark. Many drives over this bridge each and every day both Danes that are going from one place to another and foreign that either is going north  to Sweden or Norway or south to Germany and countries further south.

If you on the western side just takes a 10 minute drive of the highway you will find a very beautiful places that reminds you about the old history that Denmark has.

Here is a small waterwill and a lake that makes it possible to take pretty pictures...
[1/160s, f/2.8, ISO 100]

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Friday, 19 October 2012

Nothing like a misty autumn morning with your Nikon D800 and a couple of lenses

The other morning after dropping my oldest son of in Kindergarden I saw that it was a sunny day but with a lot of mist around and as I didn't have a meeting in the morning at work where I had to be there at a specific time I thought it would be a good idea to take my new Nikon D800 along with a couple of lenses.

What you might not know is that autumn here in Denmark is a lot like the famous autumn that you see in New England and there are a lot of old houses and farm land that you can use to capture great pictures, but a little warning is that it can rain a lot at this time of year in Denmark.

Well on my way to work there are several backroads where there are plenty of photo opportunities to take great pictures. See this map:

This picture where taken up to a big mansion where I just stood at the junction to the road:

[1/125s, f/4.5, ISO 100]
But this picture has to be my favorite from the day and where you really can see how the sun and the mist is working great together to create a beautiful picture:
[1/400s, f/11, ISO 100]

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Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Buyers guide to Nikon 50mm lenses

I have looked at different articles, reviews and test from around the web about the different Nikon 50mm there are available for you as a Nikon DSLR user. There are 4 options:
The price range for these couple of lenses goes from $125 to $439 (October 2012 prices). An important factor involving choosing the right 50mm is if you camera body has autofocus engine. The advance and professionel editions have and low model doesn't have. If you have one of the camera bodies that don't have an autofocus engine. Then you need to buy one of the AF-S editions. Otherwise you can choose any of the four versions.

It might not come as any surprise that you get the best lens with the most expensive lens, but can you settle with less? Well based on the articles that I have read. You can settle with Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G which gives you about the same performance as the Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4G for less money. You shouldn't choose the Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D or the Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D unless you are on a budget. They are still good lens, but if you are buying new you should go for the Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G, which should be a good lens for either Nikon D800, Nikon D600 or any other Nikon body.

If you need more information about which lens to buy then you can look through the lenses that I have collected in the Nikon prime normal lens test/review database

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Monday, 15 October 2012

Lens database

As I wrote in my former blog entry I am going create a collection of reviews/test from around the web on different kind of lenses that Nikon has made.

Since the last blog entry I have changed my mind and I am doing the collection in groups that are related, so that you will be able to see every lens with reviews in a category at the same time.

The lens are sorted by average image quality that the review/test have given the lens. As review/test are done at different point in time and with different camera bodies this can be a little misleading about which lens is the best, but it should give you a good idea about with lens is the best in certain category.

If there is a review/test that is missing and you think should be on the list. Just leave a comment on the page and I will add it to the collection.

If you see a lens that should be on the list. Leave a comment, but wait until the group is published.

Also leave a comment if there are some main points that you disagree with or that you think should be added.

The first part that is ready is the Nikon primes in normal range with more to come in the coming weeks as I go through each group. Once this is done I might look at different brands that also might fit Nikon bodies or maybe Canon lenses in the same way. Any ideas are welcome :-)

I hope this will help you (and me) in deciding which lenses to keep and which to buy and maybe use your collection of lenses better.

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