Monday, 15 August 2011

European Advanced SLR Camera 2011-2012 - Nikon D7000

European Advanced SLR Camera 2011-2012 - Nikon D7000: "At the head of Nikon’s semi-professional line of cameras, the D7000 is packed with the high-end features it inherited from the company’s D300 and D300S models. The solid body offers high-speed autofocus, a bright 3-inch LCD, dust control, dual SDXC card slots and Full HD Video. An exceptionally good noise-control system means the 16.2-million-pixel-sensor can be used at ISO 3200 and still produce high quality, clean images - even at ISO 12800 noise is not much of an issue. This is a camera that can give amateur photographers professional-looking images."

Sure sounds like a nice camera, but I am missing a couple of things before I starts to consider getting a new body instead of my Nikon D2X house (the new camera is not going to be in the same price league). One is a GPS chip. How hard can it be to put it in every camera just like in your smartphones. I know you can get it as an addon, but then you forget to put it on and you can't use your flash unit. The other things are more nice to have like noice control in bad light and more dynamic range. Lets see at the end of the moments where Nikon is going to introduce a couple of new cameras according to rumors.

I am not sure if this is the time I am going FX or I am going to stay on DX...

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Thursday, 11 August 2011

Redisovered my AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G

This summer I went to Sweden for a week with my family and some friends of our and we got a young son about 2 years of age and they got a son that is about half year younger.

With kids this young it can be hard to get some good portraits pictures with the "standard" portrait lenses (85mm on FX and 60mm on DX) as you get to close to these kids and they stop doing their natural things as daddy comes walking up close with his big camera.

I rediscovered my Micro 105mm lens which I haven't used that much for a while and got some very beautiful portrait pictures of the kids. This is just so wonderful a lens, so now it is standing next to the camera so I will keep remembering it.

From Vacation in Sweden 2011

See the complete album with more uses of the Micro-Nikon 105mm at this link

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