Saturday, 29 September 2012

105mm f/2.8G AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor lens review summary

This is the first of hopefully a long serie about Nikon lenses where I am going to look at what kind of reviews that have been written on the net and what I have learned about the lens myself. The serie will start with the lens that I own myself and later I will focus on lenses that I am considering to buy and lastly it will focus on all other lenses. My serie will start with the Nikon 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor Lens .

The lens have had multiple reviews on the net with mostly very positive reviews, but there are some that complain the autofocus, but almost everyone likes the image quality that comes out of this lens. What might come as surprise to some people it also is very good as a portrait lens. You can see a complete summary of the reviews here.

What important to remember with this lens are:
  • Sweet spot between f/5.6 to F/11, but you don't loose much outside the range
  • Very nice bokeh
  • Just as good as portrait lens as macro lens
  • Use the focus limiter when used as a portrait lens
An example of using this lens as a portrait lens:
[1/125s, f/3, ISO 2500]
An example of using this lens as a macro lens:
[1/160s, f/4, ISO 100]
A lens that I highly recommend.

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