Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Canon autofocus system

In the many years that Canon has produced digital SLR cameras there has different variants of the autofocus system. Canon doesn't name their autofocus system, so it is only possible to group them together by AF points and each group most likely share the same autofocus modul, but there might be different minor versions. Here are the list:

7 AF Points

9 AF points

9 cross-type AF points

9-point AF (plus 6 Assist AF points)

11 points

19 cross-type AF points

45 AF points (Area AF)

19 AF points (cross-type) and 26 Assist AF points (total 45 points)

61 Point / 41 f/4 cross-type AF points inc 5 dual cross type

A couple of interesting things to note from this list. The Canon 5D Mark III is the first non professional camera to share autofocus sytem with the professional top models. This might be a new trend from Canon or they might just want to match what Nikon does. Canon really like the number 9 and 45 autofocus points. 15 cameras has 9 AF points and 8 cameras have 45 AF points. That is about 75% of the total list.

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