Sunday, 3 February 2013

Canon 650D/T4i vs Canon 60D: What to buy?

These two models are close to each other, so you might wonder which camera body you should choose. Should it be the cheaper Canon 650D or should it be the Canon 60D with more features?

Here is why you might want to buy the Canon 60D:
  • Both have a 18 mega pixel sensor, but the sensor in the Canon 60D has according to Dxomark a better performance with better performance at high ISO as one of the main differences
  • The Canon 60D can shoot at 1/8000 sec where the Canon 650D only can shoot at 1/4000. For almost every one this doesn't make a difference
  • The Canon 60D has a lot more custom functions and settings, so the camera will easier to fit to your style of shooting than the Canon 650D
  • The build of the Canon 60D makes it weather resistance 
  • The battery life is longer with the Canon 60D, so you can take more pictures without a recharge of the battery
Here is why you might want to buy the Canon 650D:
  • It has a newer image processor than the Canon 60D
  • The ISO can be pushed to ISO 25600 in the Canon 650D, which is one step higher than the Canon 60D
  • The Canon 650D is a less heavy and smaller camera body than the Canon 60D
The price at the moment (February 2013 at Amazon) is just about the same for the two cameras and as you can see from above the difference isn't that big. It is the small differences that decides if you want to go for one model over the other. There is no clear best camera among these two models.

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