Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Olympus M.Zuiko DIGITAL 25mm f/1.8 first thoughts, expensive standard lens

If you just want a standard lens for you micro four third system (50mm in the 35mm world) there isn't many choices. Before today it was only Panasonic that had a true "50mm" lens, but today came the Olympus 25mm and as the Panasonic hasn't been the perfect lens there is a market for this lens.

Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 25mm f/1.8 product image
The Olympus lens is one stop slower than the Panasonic lens, but at the same time cost less than the Panasonic lens. It is still an expensive lens when you look at what a standard "50mm" lens cost in other systems.

Follow the Olympus M.Zuiko DIGITAL 25mm f/1.8 at Olympus Index.

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